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Subject : Higher Educational Development In Sylhet


Written By : Soumik Bhattacharjee

Dear Sir


As we all know Sylhet is one of the most  developed Divisions of our Country, but there is no any Engineering University in our division, whereas division like Khulna, Chittagong, Rajshahi, and ofcourse Dhaka all have a specific engineering university . Although we have an Engineering college and our honourable PM Sheikh Hasina allready  declared in prior to the 2013 election that her Govt. would transform that to a full face Enginneering university. But sorrow is that no adaquate steps are still taken to transform this to an University..

So my question to the honourable MP of Sylhet-1 is that - " What's your  plan towards this Engineering College? Can we have an Engineering University in our beloved City? 

Thank You..