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Subject : Finance Ministry imposed verbal ban on issuing WEDB ( Wage earners development bond) to mariners


Written By : Subir Bairagi

Dear sir, Assalamu Walaikum.

This is to bring to your kind notice that the below email has been received from Bangladesh bank & the issue is long pending & requires clarification from finance ministry . Sir like all other NRBs , mariners are also contributing towards building the nation with their hard earned foreign remittance .It will be so kind of you to  look into the matter to allow mariners to purchase WEDB.

Faithfully yours

Capt Subir Bairagi 



from: Ishrat Nahid <>
to: "" <>
date: Apr 17, 2019, 10:35 AM
subject: bond

Thanks for your query.

            Previously WEDB was issued to the mariners. Now some questions arise about their eligibility for purchasing WEDB. As these bonds are instruments of Bangladesh Government, so Bangladesh Bank cant not take any decisions without their consent. A letter has been issued to the concerned authority to clarify the definition of "wage earner". After getting their reply, further action will be taken.

  Have a nice day.

Ishrat Nahid
Deputy Director
Debt Management Department
Bangladesh Bank
IP Phone: +880255665001-5/21466